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The Area of Constitutional Law as a fundamental pillar of our firm, is made up of trial lawyers with studies and extensive professional practice in the matter, especially focused on the care and application of constitutional procedural law in:


The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Collegiate Circuit Courts.

Unitary Circuit Courts.

District Courts in Civil, Administrative, Criminal, and Labor Matters.


With this specialization, operational structure and, above all, with the breadth of fundamental rights recognized to the person in the last constitutional reform, this legal firm offers its services focusing on the following means of defense:


Amparo judgment


Through this extraordinary means of defense, established as the most powerful procedural instrument available to individuals in the Mexican Legal System, and due to the specialization of legal professionals in the fiscal-administrative field, we have been allowed to achieve a remarkable practice and experience, in which we responsibly entered the Indirect Amparo Trial in all matters of law, say:







Stock market.

Responsibility Public Servants.

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